Various Questions

  • 26/11/2015 at 16:56 #1794

    1) If someone has a strong anesthetic allergy or intolerance. How can I help in an emergency if the person needs to have an operation or needs to go to the dentist?

    Treat anesthetic as an allergen with Trikombin

    2) If I test something in low. Does the treatment need to range from 0 to 23 or from 23 to 0?

    From 0 to 23

    3) In your article “Diagnosis and treatment of food allergy and food intolerance” you talk about how to test and treat the difference between both.

    I would like to confirm that I understand this correctly:

    If histamine and allergy test, this means: food allergy no, but histamine allergy yes

    If histamine tests alone, it means: inflammation process yes

    If histamine and intolerance test, this means: histamine intolerance yes

    If intolerance tests alone, this means: food intolerance yes

    Allergy testing on level 5 HI wobble 3. Can I also test with modulation? No: level 8 without wobble 3, but one-sided wobbling in this direction (left)

    Allergy treatment on level 8 HI wobble 1 decrease (Int 2 step 4) one-sided wobbling to the left side. Can I later add modulation? yes

    Cup 1 allergy ampule along with allergens.

    How can I go on after allergy no longer tests on this level? Should I then do the same on level 15?

    Yes and level 22

    Intolerance testing on level 5 HI wobble 3. Can I also test with modulation? yes

    Intolerance treatment on level 5 HI wobble 3 with modulation.

    Cup 1 intolerance ampule

    Cup 2 food yes

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