Info-Überblick für das TRIKOMBIN

What is TRIKOMBIN? There is such an innovation in the field of frequency actually? And what effect does it exactly have that application?
More Infos about TRIKOMBIN
In TRIKOMBIN not only one frequency channel is involved, but three, which can work together independently!
More Infos about TRIKOMBIN
Biography of Alan E. Baklayan
Who is actually behind the TRIKOMBIN? Alan E. Baklayan has advanced the frequency research with his revolutionary invention.
Biography A. E. Baklayan
What is Matrix-Discharge-Application?
The effective application that actually allowed it to discharge the patient directly without straining him or the therapist.
Harmonic oscillation application according to Baklayan
With the harmony doctrine of Pythagoras Alan E. Baklyan discovered that the former findings can also be applied to the present day.
Harmonic Oscillation Application
Harmonic Frequenzy application
With this method, both the patient and therapist are relieved, whereby a revolutionary innovation was created in the field of frequency application.
Harmonic Frequenzy application
Technical data of the TRIKOMBIN
Here all the technical specifications such as battery life or power consumption are given that you need to know. Also general technical data are listed.
Technical data
Interview with Alan E. Baklayan
In this interview, TRIKOMBIN inventor Alan E. Baklayan not only explains how the device works, but also how he came to this fabulous idea and his previous research.
Interview Baklayan